[ ESL - Guidelines ]
Status of this topic : under discussion
The Euphoria Standard Library, like many other large projects, requires that code submitted be properly commented acording to our specifications. Standardized code commenting is necessary because it makes the code easier to read and understand for both the user and the maintainer and it allows us to use programs to generate documentation from the comments.
Comment tag | - | Description of tag |
Name: | Name of library/program. Required | |
Author: | Author's name | |
Created: | Date file was created | |
Updated: | Date file was updated | |
License: | License library's source code is released under | |
Intro: | Introduction comments about the library |
Comment tag | - | Description of tag |
Routine: Type: Constant: | Name of the routine/type/constant. Required (only use one) | |
Author: | Author of the routine | |
Created: | Date routine was created | |
Updated: | Date routine was updated and contributor who did so | |
Platform: | Platform the routine runs on (General, WIN32, DOS32, Linux, FreeBSD) | |
Syntax: | An illustration of the usage syntax | |
Description: | A description of what the routine does | |
Comments: | Extra comments about the routine | |
Example: | A more example to illustrate usage | |
Example Program: | The name/location of an example program if such a program exists | |
See Also: | Lists other related routines in the library |
For an example please see the example file boolean.e